Thanksgiving Foods: Dos and Don'ts For Your Dog

Cedar Lane Kennels - Thanksgiving Foods: Dos and Don'ts For Your Dog

Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year and want to include your four-legged friend in the festivities? While pets can eat some of the same foods that we do, in moderation, others are absolute no-nos, as they can be toxic or even fatal. The American Kennel Club shares some of the dos and don’ts of feeding your pet on Thanksgiving:


  • Unseasoned, cooked turkey meat is a good source of protein for dogs.
  • Sweet potatoes, as long as they are cooked and the skin is removed, can be a good source of fiber and vitamins. Just make sure your pet’s serving does not contain added butter, sugar, or spices.
  • Canned pumpkin is fine, as long as it does not contain sugar and spices. Make sure to check the label.
  • Plain green beans or carrots, whether they are cooked or raw, are a healthy and low-calorie snack. Pieces should be small to avoid choking.
  • Apples can be a healthy treat when given in moderation. Just make sure to remove the stem, core, and seeds.


  • Cooked turkey bones can splinter and cause choking or internal injuries.
  • While tasty, turkey skin is also high in fat and can upset your dog’s stomach.
  • Turkey stuffing often contains onions, garlic, and other ingredients that are toxic to dogs.
  • Cranberry sauce is high in sugar, which can cause gastrointestinal upset.
  • Be careful with dinner rolls around your pets, as the yeast and sugar in raw dough can ferment in the stomach.

While giving your pet small amounts of Thanksgiving food is fine, make sure your furry friend doesn’t indulge in the family feast, as that can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Unsure whether or not a food is safe for pets? Err on the side of caution and avoid giving it to them.

For more information, or to schedule grooming or boarding services for your pup, please contact:

Cedar Lane Kennels: 6901 Dunham Road : Downers Grove, IL 60516 : 630.969.1198 :

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